Trust & transparency: driving effective consent management

Do you know with whom you shared your personal data within the last month? What...

LuxTrust signs a partnership with CDC ARKHINEO

Paris, France, and Capellen, Luxembourg, 4 December 2019 – LuxTrust, European expert in digital trust services...

3 frequently asked questions about LuxTrust Mobile and their answers

Have you already tried the latest version of our LuxTrust app? It is out...

6 best practices for electronic signature users (part II)

Last week, we evidenced the importance of using standards-based technology supplied by certified providers. In...

LuxTrust to provide electronic signature solution to PwC Luxembourg

Capellen, 13 November 2019 - LuxTrust S.A. is pleased to announce cornerstone agreement with PwC. At the...

6 best practices for electronic signature users (part I)

After reviewing (here and here) six basic, common-sense behaviours to protect your electronic identity and...

Do’s and Don’ts in using trust services and devices (part II)

Today we are bringing part II of the article published here last week on the...

Do’s and Don’ts in using trust services and devices (part I)

From 15 October to 25 October 2019, the Cybersecurity Week takes place in Luxembourg. With...

Capitalize on a fully digital customer journey with video identification

It is no longer a secret that companies’ (financial) success is strongly related to how...

Understanding eIDAS e-signature levels and their associated legal value

When speaking of e-signature in EU, the key reference for both providers and users is...

The role of a qualified trust services provider

Going digital has long ceased to be an option. It is a prerequisite for all...
