(Re)watch our webinars on electronic signatures

Electronic signatures are one of the digital tools that enable business to carry on their...

Untangling legal technicalities: electronic signature vs electronic seal

Electronic signature and trust services market is steadily consolidating in Europe. Their adoption, while not...

Electronic invoicing in France – how to comply with article 56 of PROJET DE LOI DE FINANCES (PLF) 2020

There is no secret that as of 1 January 2020, electronic invoices have become mandatory...

Conversion of the JV with InfoCert into a strong commercial alliance

Luxembourg, 12th November – At the end of the two-year period following the investment, the...

LuxTrust and Cryptomathic uplift Luxembourg’s digital users and services to highest level of e-signature assurance

Reconfirms Luxembourg’s unrivalled position at the forefront of digital identity services in Europe

Capellen, 12...

LuxTrust provides digital trust to innovative space technology to manage risk in the chemical industry

EM-SAT (Advance Data Management for Chemical Industry) is a future innovative product destined to ensure...

XAdES, PAdES or CAdES: which e-signature format should you use?

Choosing between XAdES, PAdES or CAdES depends on the type of data or document...

Electronic signature in France: where is the market at?

Electronic signature uses vary from country to country and are bounded to country specific laws...

What is a Registration Authority (RA)?

In our previous post, we investigated the role of a Certification Authority. Today, we put the...

What is a Certification Authority (CA)?

CA, RA, QCP, LCP, TSP, QTSP, PKI, PTC, CRL, OCSP – what do all these...

LuxTrust increases its turnover by 26% thanks to its digital trust solutions portfolio

Luxembourg, 13 May 2020 – LuxTrust S.A., the European Qualified Trust Service Provider, announces today...
